
Used and Reconditioned Forklift Batteries

Are you in search of a forklift battery? Then stop first let us make you know that instead of buying a new one you can make an excellent use of a used one. Forklift batteries are quite heavy and expensive and a new one is not always in range for everyone to buy. Most of the people find it convenient to buy a recycled or used forklift battery. It is much more affordable and likely solution. This is where we come in, to provide this solution to you.

Welcome to forklift battery, a hub of new, used and reconditioned forklift batteries and its parts. We recondition forklift batteries so they are almost equal to a new one. We guarantee that our reconditioned used forklift battery will run and be of your use for a long time.

We are easily approachable through phone and internet. For our customers we have specially designed user friendly website. On this site you can easily browse for forklift battery of your choice. We have also displayed a full range of spare part for forklift batteries, their chargers and their related equipment with specifications and pictures. We also have uploaded some useful videos with easy demonstrations. These videos are helpful in increasing the customer's knowledge to take better care of their forklift batteries.

For the reconditioning of used forklift battery, we have most skilled and professional staff. All our team members are quality workers and know the minutest details about the forklift battery and its related parts. When you reach us, one of us is at your doorstep as soon as possible. He will then check your battery and let you know about the condition of the battery along with the reconditioning charges. If you are looking to buy one, we will be very happy to assist you in every possible way.

Along with the new, used and reconditioned batteries we also offer related equipment like battery watering systems, battery lifting equipment, battery changing stations, battery and charger stands, acid spill kits, battery connectors, and every thing you can think and need of.
24v 7A forklift charger


What does "NIMH" mean on batteries?

NiMH means "nickel-metal hydride." A little history might be interesting. One of the most successful exotic batteries is the nickel-hydrogen battery. It uses the same nickel-hydroxide positive electrode and KOH electrolyte as the Nickel-Cadmium battery, but it uses hydrogen gas to replace the cadmium in the negative electrode. It needs a pressure vessel to hold the hydrogen gas. The nickel-hydrogen battery is mostly used in low-orbit satellites, which charge and discharge the batteries on every pass around the earth, and so need a long cycle-life battery.

Another way to store hydrogen is in intermetallic compounds called metal-hydrides. Some metals have room in their atomic lattices to accomodate hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen can be induced to enter and exit the metal matrix by electrochemical means. So the nickel-metal-hydride battery is a variation on the nickel-hydrogen battery, with a new, low-pressure, method to store the hydrogen. Unfortunately, since the metal-hydrides corrode when exposed to KOH, they are not as long-lived as nickel-hydrogen batteries.
NiMH Charging


NiCad and NiMH batteries are amongst the hardest batteries to charge accurately. Whereas with lithium ion and lead acid batteries you can control overcharge by just setting a maximum charge voltage, the nickel based batteries don't have a "float charge" voltage. So the charging is based on forcing current through the battery. The voltage to do this is not fixed in stone like it is for the other batteries.

Parallel Charging: This makes these cells and batteries difficult to charge in parallel. This is because you can't be sure that each cell or pack is the same impedance (or resistance), and so some will take more current than others even when they are full. This means that you need to use a separate charging circuit for each string in a parallel pack, or balance the current in some other way, for example by using resistors of such a resistance that it will dominate the current control.

The coulometric charging efficiency of nickel metal hydride batteries is typically 66%, meaning that you must put 150 amp hours into the battery for every 100 amp hours you get out. The faster you charge the worse this gets.

The minus delta V bump that is indicative of end-of-charge is much less pronounced in NiMH than NiCad, and it is very temperature dependent. To make matters worse, new NiMH batteries can exhibit bumps in the curve early in the cycle, particularly when cold. Also, NiMH are sensitive to damage on overcharge when the charge rate is over C/10. Since the delta V bump is not always easy to see, slight overcharge is probable.
9.6V 0.4A nimh battery charger


Advantages of Battery Chargers

There are various battery chargers that give immense benefits to its owners. They provide the convenience, saving, and the surroundings, contributing to the new technology, while in use. Battery chargers are an outstanding addition to your office, house or perhaps car.

They are a very useful tool. The way to obtain batteries at the office or home may become considered an odd job. Using rechargeable battery charger ensures the limitless supply, wherever and whenever you need them. It is required for the mobile phone, laptop, mp3 player and it seems inevitable for the most. The usefulness of a car battery charger is usually huge. Regardless of whether it is required for charging digital camera batters or charging the battery for your ship, it is a time-saver if you own one of it. The majority people use some form of battery charger daily, weekly or monthly.

The benefits of the chargers speak for alone. There are people who want to be involved in the technological progress. Many people want to help preserve the earth and its resources. Most people want to save time. Everyone wants to save money.
4.2V 0.8A li-ion battery charger


The Advantages Of Having A Mobile

Years ago it would have been the stuff of science fiction to be able to carry a small unit in your pocket that you could call up other people on. But today we take mobiles for granted. The humble mobile has swiftly become an essential part of everyday life – so much that you often wonder what you used to do without one.

So what are the advantages? One of the most important benefits is safety. If you experience a breakdown in your car, you can simply make a quick call on your mobile to summon help from a breakdown service. In addition, you can also carry a car charger that allows you to charge up a flat mobile battery.

There is also the fact that phones aren’t just phones any more. Many mobiles allow you to go online as well, enabling you to check your emails and stay in touch with people in ways that were once not even imaginable.

This is a definite advantage for anyone who has their own business. Even when you are on the move you can be reached by clients or contacts. If someone sends an urgent email and you are out shopping for example, you can simply type and send a reply straight back to them. In this sense, a modern and up-to-date mobile could make the difference between winning and losing a business deal.

But there are other benefits too. While the main reason for having a mobile is to be able to text or call other people, the most up-to-date handsets can do a lot more besides. Many of them have built in cameras, and there have been several instances of the phone owner taking pictures that have later come in extremely useful.

Some people have caught breaking news on their camera phones, while others have used them to record the damage to their car after an accident with another vehicle. There is just no telling when a camera phone will come in useful.
5v 2.1A micro usb car charger with 2 ports


How to Test a Laptop Charger

Laptop computers are one of the many items that we use that depends on a rechargeable laptop battery to keep it up and running. When your laptop fails to stay charged or to charge at all, it is time to troubleshoot the issue on your own before paying a professional. First test the charger to make sure that it is working properly.

You can test your laptop battery charger follow the below steps

Be sure that the charger is plugged into a working outlet and getting power.

Try charging your laptop with the laptop powered off. Sometimes the charger will charge the laptop when it is powered completely off, but not when it is on. If it only charges the Toshiba laptop battery when the laptop is off, then you have a faulty charger.

Check the battery for corrosion and/or leakage. If there is a sign of either corrosion or leakage you will need to stop attempting to use the battery pack and replace it immediately.

Try to run the laptop from the laptop charger only; if it will not run off the charger alone then the charger is faulty or no longer any good to power the battery. In some cases your laptop will run off the charger, but the charger will not be strong enough to charge the laptop. In this case you have a faulty charger.

4.2V 0.8A li-ion battery charger


Charging Lithium ion batteries at slow rates

When the charge rate during the constant current phase is low, the charger process will spend less time during the constant voltage tail. If you charge below about 0.18 C, the cell is virtually full when the 4.2 volts is reached. This can be used as an alternative charge algorithm. Just charge below 0.18C constant current and terminate the charge when the voltage reaches 4.2 volts per cell.


Every lithium ion battery pack should have a method of keeping the cell balanced and preventing them from being over-discharged. This is usually done with a safety board which monitors the charge and discharge of the pack, and prevents dangerous things from happening. The specifications of these safety boards are dictated by the cell manufacture, and may include the following:
Reverse polarity protection
Charge temperature--must not be charged when temperature is lower than 0° C or above 45° C.
Charge current must not be too high, typically below 0.7 C.
Discharge current protection to prevent damage due to short circuits.
Charge voltage--a permanent fuse opens if too much voltage is applied to the battery terminals
Overcharge protection--stops charge when voltage per cell rises above 4.30 volts.
Overdischarge protection--stops discharge when battery voltage falls below 2.3 volts per cell (varies with manufacturer).
A fuse opens if the battery is ever exposed to temperatures above 100° C.
4.2V 0.8A li-ion battery charger