
Proper Laptop Adapter Care

Here are some practical tips on using as well as taking care of your laptop power adapter:

1. If the power adapter is not working. Check first if the outlet is live before doing serious troubleshooting on the device.  In this way, it will save your time and effort as well as avoid unnecessary repair.

2. Use only the model-specific adapter for the laptop. Don’t use it in other gadgets even if the output voltage requirement is the same because the current might be different.

3. Always put first the DC output plug into the laptop’s power jock before putting the input plug on the power outlet. This is the correct method.

4. Keep your adapter in a dry place with room temperature. Just like other electronic devices, adapter can get damage cause by high temperature.

5. Don’t leave it connected into the computer for continuously long periods of time. If the battery is full, gently remove the cord in the laptop’s jock port.

6. Don’t shake or knock the adapter. Improper handling may break the internal parts and circuit boards.

7. Place the laptop adapter in an area where it will not fall. Keep it in a safe location where it can be hard to reach for children. Also, avoid dropping it to avoid damage.

8. Avoid the metal tip of the adapter from getting in contact with other metal objects because it can cause short-circuiting.  Your computer might get damage when a short-circuited charger is used.

9. Don’t place the notebook adapter in a cool place or near the air conditioner to avoid the device from getting moistened.

10. Never pull the cord to detach the plug from the power outlet because the wire might be slashed or loosened.
80W adapter loptop


How to properly use the charger

We shall keep safe using home appliances no matter what kind of we have bought, not to mention the phone,we must abandon some of habits without the security use of mobile phone especially when the phone is charged.

How to properly use the cell phone charger is the key to safe use of the mobile phones,if we do not pay attention to, we would not only get an electric shock, but may occur an explosion.

1. Do not expose the phone charger at a high temperature, during the summer with hot and humid climate and electricity peak, the phone charger is poor at heat dissipation,plus the unstable current, increasing the likelihood of conduct problems, especially for the phone with the metal body. Those with sweating palms and others with damp hair after taking a bath will likely be subjected to electric shocks. Moreover, do not cover the cell phone with blanket or pillow to avoid the battery temperature is relatively high, and thus the occurrence of breakdown, combustion, explosions and other tragedies while charging the phone.

2. Do not use the phone while charging. We are increasingly dependent on the smartphone, and like using a cell phone while charging, the phone is charging, it is not wise to pick up the smartphone when charging. The charger transformer parts is likely to be breakdown if the charger with poor quality. Furthermore, the phone with low battery will produce more radiation harmful to human health.

3. Promptly unplug the charger when is fully charged. Many are accustomed to connecting the phone to the charger all day long for convenience. However, such an approach would lead to some security risks, the coil of the charger plugged may cause fever, insulating paint loss and damage, and even cause a fire due to heat. Therefore, unplug the charger to timely prevent fire at the rear end of charge or out of the room for a long time.

4. Mobile phone charger, battery has a certain service lifespan, replace the phone charging immediately when damaged.
 6.4V 1.6A nimh battery charger


The History of Solar Panel Battery Chargers

The history of solar power battery chargers has to begin with the advent of solar power. Attempts to capture the power of the sun have been made since the dawn of man. Realizing its power to give heat and light, intrigued man from the beginning of time. Leonardo da Vinci studied the sun and ways to harness it in the fifteenth century.

Although modern science has taken away the romance of sun gods, mystical beings and other myths and tales, it has not lost its curiosity. Harnessing the suns power to be used in batteries has been around since France decided it needed an alternate energy source long before the fuel shortage of the seventies.

Charles Fritz managed to turn the suns rays into electricity with the first solar cell in 1883. It wasn't until later in the 1880's that a solar cell was used to warm water in his house. The studies went on. The possibilities of using up all of the nonrenewable resources was well known in the nineteenth century. People around the world still chose to use coal and other nonrenewable energy sources as though they would never end, or have any consequences.

Today the assortment of solar powered battery chargers is amazing. When you inventory your electronic gadgets, you know that everyone needs to be charged in one way or another. You will find out that most of those electric chargers can be replaced by solar battery chargers.

29.4V/1.5A lead acid battery charger


How to discern a charger

How to discern a charger depends on how its work performance, safety requirements and electromagnetic compatibility is.

Different types of batteries have different charging requirements, the parameters of a charger are mainly charging method, charge current, charge voltage.

(1) Charging method: how to charge is based on the constant voltage or constant current. Given the current lithium-ion battery, charger charging current with limiting constant voltage mode shall be adopted, that is, charging at constant voltage automatically converted when the charging at limited current to the limited voltage.

(2) Charging current: specifies the maximum output current of the charger. The size of the charging current shall be applied to the size of the battery capacity, generally should not exceed 1C5A.

(3) charging voltage: specifies the maximum output voltage of charger. The charging voltage is depends on limit voltage of battery charged; when charging the lithium-ion battery with nominal voltage of 3.6V, the maximum output voltage of charger required is typically 4.2V (in fact, the phone is equipped with a lithium-ion battery with protection device, so the charger output voltage can also be slightly higher than 4.2V, but the voltage is not more than 4.5V in order to ensure safety).

Electromagnetic compatibility For chargers products, the electromagnetic compatibility requirements mainly reflects in electromagnetic harassment. Electromagnetic disturbance is divided into conduction harassment and radiation harassment. the many advantages of switching power supply contribute to the switching power supply circuit for universal charger. But the switching power supply of high-frequency switching devices produces high-frequency harmonic signals. These high frequency signals propagate through the power terminal via the grid or via space radiation result in the electromagnetic pollution to the environment, troubling the work around electronic devices,even may cause serious adverse effects on human health and the safe operation of the grid. Therefore, in order to reduce the electromagnetic pollution to the environment, the power terminal (or interface terminal) disturbance voltage for the electronic products working and radiation disturbance field strengths shall be less than a certain limit.
4.2V 0.8A li-ion battery charger


The Advantages Of Having A Mobile

Years ago it would have been the stuff of science fiction to be able to carry a small unit in your pocket that you could call up other people on. But today we take mobiles for granted. The humble mobile has swiftly become an essential part of everyday life – so much that you often wonder what you used to do without one.

So what are the advantages? One of the most important benefits is safety. If you experience a breakdown in your car, you can simply make a quick call on your mobile to summon help from a breakdown service. In addition, you can also carry a car charger that allows you to charge up a flat mobile battery.

There is also the fact that phones aren’t just phones any more. Many mobiles allow you to go online as well, enabling you to check your emails and stay in touch with people in ways that were once not even imaginable.

This is a definite advantage for anyone who has their own business. Even when you are on the move you can be reached by clients or contacts. If someone sends an urgent email and you are out shopping for example, you can simply type and send a reply straight back to them. In this sense, a modern and up-to-date mobile could make the difference between winning and losing a business deal.

But there are other benefits too. While the main reason for having a mobile is to be able to text or call other people, the most up-to-date handsets can do a lot more besides. Many of them have built in cameras, and there have been several instances of the phone owner taking pictures that have later come in extremely useful.

Some people have caught breaking news on their camera phones, while others have used them to record the damage to their car after an accident with another vehicle. There is just no telling when a camera phone will come in useful.

They are also ideal for passing the time. Most modern phones have a range of games on them, and you can download more onto your phone as and when you wish. In fact, some users actually use their phones more for the games than for contacting their friends.
 2 port usb car charger with metal material