
Nickel Battery Charging Basics

NiCad and NiMH batteries are amongst the hardest batteries to charge. Whereas with lithium ion and lead acid batteries you can control overcharge by just setting a maximum charge voltage, the nickel based batteries don't have a "float charge" voltage. So the charging is based on forcing current through the battery. The voltage to do this is not fixed in stone like it is for the other batteries.

This makes these cells and batteries especially difficult to charge in parallel. This is because you can't be sure that each cell or pack is the same impedance (or resistance), and so some will take more current than others even when they are full. This means that you need to use a separate charging circuit for each string in a parallel pack, or balance the current in some other way, for example by using resistors of such a resistance that it will dominate the current control.

The coulometric charging efficiency of nickel cadmium is about 83% for a fast (C/1 to C/0.24) charge, and 63% for a C/5 charge. This means that at C/1 you must put in 120 amp hours in for every 100 amp hours you get out. The slower you charge the worse this gets. At C/10 it is 55%, at C/20 it can get less than 50%. (These numbers are just to give you an idea, battery manufacturers differ).

When the charge is complete oxygen starts being generated at the nickel electrode. This oxygen diffuses through the separator and reacts with the cadmium electrode to form cadmium hydroxide. This causes a lowering of the cell voltage which can be used to detect the end of charge. This so-called minus delta V/ delta t bump that is indicative of end-of-charge is much less pronounced in NiMH than NiCad, and it is very temperature dependent.

As the battery reaches end-of-charge oxygen starts to form at the electrodes, and be recombined at the catalyst. This new chemical reaction creates heat, which can be easily measured with a thermistor.. This is the safest way to detect end-of-charge during a fast charge.

Nickel cadmium battery chargers should cut the charge off when the temperature exceeds the maximum charging temperature, typically 45 degrees C for a controlled fast charge, and 50 degrees C for an overnight or fast charge.
6.4v 0.6A nicd battery charger


Rust Removal the Scientific Way

Rust is one of the biggest culprits that make your possessions look unsightly and even render them useless when left unattended. Rust is iron that made contact with oxygen, and forms an unattractive stain in your metals and other materials in your house that contains or is made up of iron. Aside from employing various methods to protect your materials from the formation of rust, you can also use many rust removal products. Over the years, many rust removers have already been developed that are cost-efficient, effective and can save your materials from rotting with rust.

Metal rust removers come in various forms and techniques. One of the most popular ways of removing rust manually without the use of rust removal products is through electrolysis. If you have paid enough attention to your sixth grade science teacher, you would know that rust is a product of iron making contact with oxygen. So basically, the process of removing rust is the transformation of the surface reeking of rust back to its original form - iron.

All you need to use are the following: a stainless steel, a plastic tub, washing soda, water and a battery charger. Place a tablespoon of the washing or baking soda to a gallon of water. This serves as the removal solution. Clean the piece of stainless steel to be used for the rust removal process. It is crucial that the steel is cleaned enough to ensure that enough electric contact is achieved. Attach the positive side of the battery charge to the steel and submerge it in the soda-water solution. Attach the negative side of the battery charger to the material you wish to be cleaned. Submerge this piece to the solution as well. Make sure that the material and the stainless steel do not make any contact as this might lead to a short circuit. Now it's time to turn the battery charger on. If the current is too high, you can either increase the distance between the stainless steel and the material to be cleaned or add more water to the solution. Once done, you should see bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen in the solution. The time to wait before all speck of rust is removed varies on the size of the material and how much rust has accumulated on it.
9.6V 0.4A nimh battery charger


Cell Phone Accessories make Your Mobile Phone More Charm

Phone stylus, car charger, cell phone data cable, battery, all mobile phone accessories Bluetooth Headset unparalleled choice. All cell phone accessories, from the mobile phone sets, mobile phone charger, cell phone batteries, bluetooth headset, come up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! These days, you can not get out in front of the store to buy one, with Bluetooth, screen protection and insurance planning, while protecting those gadgets seem easy to break. But of course, there are even more incredible awesome, must-have accessories.

Mobile phone accessories to enhance your phone you have a cell phone, odds are, you will never leave it home. But if you have low vision or hearing difficulties, and sometimes you may find that the phone may be a bit tedious and frustrating.

A cell phone only as useful as it is readable, it is very reasonable, to prevent dust and scratches in the screen. Our collection of transparent screen and shield crystal displays will continue to look for several days to clear. We have been in our mobile phone to become a good chunk of our lives these days. If you like to have photos, videos and other patrons of memory at your disposal, it might be a good idea to expand the phone's memory card and expansion pack capacity. When you are in so much as call waiting, there are no more nervous than see a "low battery" warning flashes on the screen tight. To fully charge your mobile life, the wall charger, USB cable, car units and portable battery extensive. Your phone's built-in battery, you should continue for a long time, but it will need replaced at some point. Around that time, we stock a full set of replacement batteries for all major mobile phone brands.
5v 2.1A micro usb car charger with 2 ports


How to properly use the charger

Car Charger. Such charger can easily charge the phone in the car. One end of the car charger is plug into the cigarette lighter, and the other end is connected to the phone, the phone should not be charged in the car for a long time because of the car closed with a high temperature, otherwise it will cause damage to the phone.

The original travel charger and seat charger adopt protect circuits or switch road design for the protective effect for rechargeable battery, while fake and shoddy charger without protected circuit is easy to burned or even burn the phone, choose the original travel charger and away from knock-off. "Auto resolution lithium or NiMH batteries"is a apparent key to identity a charger,which can automatically distinguish two different battery charger in case of "the discharge of lithium malfunction".If you accidentally press the "release pushbutton" on dock charger when charging lithium batteries, a good charger can identify lithium battery, it will not make a discharge operation; poor cradle will result in the impairment of lithium battery life. A good charger with protection settings and charging voltage standard does not overshoot or be unsaturated.

We shall keep safe using home appliances no matter what kind of we have bought, not to mention the phone,we must abandon some of habits without the security use of mobile phone especially when the phone is charged.

How to properly use the cell phone charger is the key to safe use of the mobile phones,if we do not pay attention to, we would not only get an electric shock, but may occur an explosion.
USB car charger

Merry Christmas & happy new year !


Unregulated DC Power Adapters

Regulated or un-regulated: what does it mean?
A voltage regulator is a device (usually an electronic circuit) that controls or maintains the constant voltage output of a power supply. Some (more expensive) DC voltage output power adapters have voltage regulators built in, while most do not.

Unregulated DC output power adapters are still the most common type of power adapter in use today. Unregulated, or "non-regulated" simply means the power adapter is not subject to the control or authority of a voltage regulator. With unregulated power adapters, or any other unregulated DC power supply, the DC output voltage is dependent upon an internal voltage reduction transformer, and related to the amount of current used by the electrical load. (The load is the device receiving power from the adapter).

Example: A given unregulated power adapter has an output rating of 9 volts DC at 500ma (500 milliamps = 0.5 Amps).
This rating means that the unregulated voltage output of the power adapter will be 9 volts DC when it is under the full rated load of 500ma. Many people are surprised when they plug an unregulated power adapter into a wall outlet and measure the DC output voltage of the power adapter with a volt meter. While the adapter is providing no power to a load device, the measured output voltage is several volts higher than the rated voltage of the power adapter. Often, people jump to the conclusion that something is wrong with the power adapter, while the simple explanation is that the power adapter has no voltage regulator, and this is normal. But if the same unregulated power adapter is connected to a load which draws 500ma of current, the measured output voltage of the power adapter would drop to the rated 9 volt DC output level as it should.

The second important concept to understand about any power adapter, whether regulated or unregulated, is that the rated output current of the adapter should not be exceeded by the maximum current requirement of the load.

Example:  If a power adapter has an output current rating of 500ma, it should never be connected to a load that will draw more than 500ma of current from the adapter. Drawing more than the rated current output from an unregulated power adapter will certainly cause the actual output voltage to drop below the rated value, and overloading any power adapter in this way will lead to overheating and premature failure of the adapter. Overloading a power adapter may cause a fire hazard and depending on the power sensitivities of the load, may cause damage to the load as well. Most power adapters made today, have built in overload protection (essentially an internal fuse to prevent the adapter from going up in a puff of smoke), but overloading the adapter may still cause it permanent damage. Appropriate external fuse protection can be added if the extra precaution is warranted.

A third concept about unregulated power adapters which for most applications is less important, but still helpful for people to understand, is that unregulated DC output power adapters do not produce a pure and "clean" DC voltage. But if the power adapter selected is closely matched to the power requirements of the load, the purity of the DC voltage produced is more than adequate for many jobs (with few exceptions).
12v 6A DC Switching CCTV power supply


Find out how to prolong battery life by using correct charge methods.

Charging and discharging batteries is a chemical reaction, but Li-ion is claimed to be the exception. Battery scientists talk about energies flowing in and out of the battery as part of ion movement between anode and cathode. This claim carries merits but if the scientists were totally right, then the battery would live forever. Scientists blame capacity fade on ions getting trapped, but as with all battery systems, internal corrosion and other degenerative effects still play a role.

The Li ion charger is a voltage-limiting device that has similarities with to the lead acid system. The difference with Li-ion lies in a higher voltage per cell, tighter voltage tolerances and the absence of trickle or float charge at full charge. While lead acid offers some flexibility in terms of voltage cut off, manufacturers of Li ion cells are very strict on the correct setting because Li-ion cannot accept overcharge. The so-called miracle charger that promises to prolong battery life and gain extra capacity with pulses and other effects does not exist. Li-ion is a “clean” system and only takes what it can absorb.
29.4V 14A lithium battery charger


List of Mobile phone accessories

The list of accessories includes, but is not limited to antennas, hands-free car kits, face plates, battery chargers, batteries, power connectors, cases, boosters, etc. Some of these mobile phone accessories are designed for security, some for safety.

Hands-free car kit

Safety comes first into any user mind when mobile phone accessories. Whether a person bought a Motorola cell phone, a Nokia cell phone, or any other brand of mobile phones, that person could surely find a hands-free car kit that will work with his/her cell phone sold in many places. Mobile phone accessory should be the first one on the list to buy as it provides additional safety and security for anyone using a mobile phone while driving. Also, when buying a mobile phone hands-free car kit, take into consideration the comfort, design, and sound quality.

Rapid travel charger

Rapid travel chargers are quick charging solution for your mobile phone. If someone would ever find himself/herself in a situation when the cell phone battery is empty, the rapid travel charger mobile phone accessory could save the day.
8.4V 1.2A li-ion battery charger


Steps to follow for starting a Mobile Phone Accessory Business

The number of cell phone franchises, autonomous stores and kiosks selling accessories has gradually increased with time, making the market highly competitive. The existence of such shops can be seen in almost every shopping mall and all public areas now. Even the Internet hosts a huge number of online outlets selling mobile phones and their accessories.

But if you are planning to establish a cell phone accessory business and earn some profit, you would need to find a location with lesser competition or build an online presence that can beat other competitors. So to get started with your business planning, here are some simple steps to follow:

Stage 1: Find a suitable location to start-up your business or you may as well rent a space or even a kiosk as per your affordability. You have to be sure about choosing a place with high-traffic, which would help you get more footfalls in your outlet. Keep in mind to avoid places that already have too many cell phone shops as it can elevate competition. If required contact a commercial real estate agent to assist you on this matter.

Stage 2: After finding a suitable space now it's time to set up the store or the stall. There are some important items that you would need, like racks, hooks, shelves for displaying the inventory. You would also require cash registers and credit card terminals for monetary transactions.

Stage 3: In case you have planned to open an online store, you have to focus on building your own website or else try a much simpler option of opening a web store through a reputable e-commerce website. To get the online store running you need to furnish product images, descriptions, pricing, shipping information, return policies, payment modes and contact information.

Stage 4: Next level in your start-up business is to purchase the mobile phone accessories from the wholesalers. You can stock up different accessories like SIM cards, headphones, Bluetooth accessories, car chargers, cell phone covers, wireless keyboards, screen protectors, wall adaptors and batteries.
USB car charger


Proper Laptop Adapter Care

Laptop adapter is very important especially if the computer’s battery is getting low or drained. So, proper use and maintenance should be observed to keep the adapter in good condition. Of course, no one wants to have a non-functional laptop adapter/charger because it can lead to unproductive work if the computer doesn’t have power.

Here are some practical tips on using as well as taking care of your laptop power adapter:

1. If the power adapter is not working. Check first if the outlet is live before doing serious troubleshooting on the device.  In this way, it will save your time and effort as well as avoid unnecessary repair.
2. Use only the model-specific adapter for the laptop. Don’t use it in other gadgets even if the output voltage requirement is the same because the current might be different.
3. Always put first the DC output plug into the laptop’s power jock before putting the input plug on the power outlet. This is the correct method.
4. Don’t leave it connected into the computer for continuously long periods of time. If the battery is full, gently remove the cord in the laptop’s jock port.
5. Place the laptop adapter in an area where it will not fall. Keep it in a safe location where it can be hard to reach for children. Also, avoid dropping it to avoid damage.
6. Don’t shake or knock the adapter. Improper handling may break the internal parts and circuit boards.
7. Don’t place the notebook adapter in a cool place or near the air conditioner to avoid the device from getting moistened.
8. Avoid the metal tip of the adapter from getting in contact with other metal objects because it can cause short-circuiting.  Your computer might get damage when a short-circuited charger is used.
12v 6A DC Switching CCTV power supply


Renew Your Old NICD Rechargeable Batteries

Nickel cadmium or NiCd was the first type of portable rechargeable battery and in many ways is responsible for revolutionizing the use of electrical devices, particularly cordless power tools. Battery technology has advanced considerable since the first NiCd battery was introduced and many devices are now powered using lithium-based cells which produce increased voltage, have more endurance and, specifically, are not prone to suffering from power loss. However, if you have old NiCd batteries that you think are dead and no longer usable, consider trying to renew them. Using a process of deep discharge may revive your batteries and give you up to another year of use.

1. Place your old NiCd rechargeable batteries into your charging device. Though you may have given up charging your batteries, you might find they still can take a charge. Turn on the charger and allow it to charge your batteries until the charger's "battery full" or similar light illuminates.

2. Turn off the device and remove the NiCd batteries once it stops operating. The time it takes before it stops operating depends on the condition of the battery. Leave the battery to rest for 15 minutes.

3. Insert the NiCd battery into the device again and turn it on. You may find that despite the battery appearing to be dead moments earlier that it still has some energy. The deep discharging process is beginning to break down the nickel-based cell structure in the battery. The reason your NiCd isn't retaining a charge for long is because the internal battery crystals have grown in size. Deep discharging breaks the crystals into tiny units; the smaller the crystals the more energy the battery can retain.

4. Leave the device running until it stops then repeat the process until you find the NiCd battery can't power your device. You may need to do this three or four more times, but it's worth doing.

5. Put your old NiCd batteries back on charge as soon as they are fully discharged, a process that can take a long time to complete. Leave the batteries charging until the charger indicates they are full. The next time you use your NiCd batteries you should find they have more power and last longer.
16V 0.3A nicd battery charger


Battery Monitoring Systems to Ensure the Battery Performance

Battery monitoring system is used to monitor the battery system and prevent people from being left high and dry. It ensures a person that it will not left the car with a dead battery. There are online sites, which offer battery working for pulse technology and ensure peak battery performance. The battery monitoring system measures and evaluates the system. It continuously and directly indicate the most important battery condition and gives data on it. Battery systems monitor voltage, acid temperature and acid level of the batteries. They also calculate relevant data of the complete battery bank such as discharge capacity, status of battery cell and discharge capacity.

There are some online websites which products like:

1. Battery and electrical system diagnostics: It includes battery tester and analyzer of different models like HYB series, EXP series, GR Series, PBT Series, MDX Series, and IDR-10 in Gen.

2. Pulse tech maintenance product: This technology carries 12 V and 24 V battery chargers, Solar battery chargers, Battery maintainers, and Quad Link 4 channel Battery charger.

3. Battery charger and maintenance products: It has diagnostic charger and Power supply charger. The diagnostic chargers combine conductance technology with advanced diagnostic capabilities to give flexible, advanced and complete solution. On the other hand, the Power supply charger provides a clean power supply and maintains a good charge for batteries during service or re flash operations.


Advantages of Battery Chargers

There are various battery chargers that give immense benefits to its owners. They provide the convenience, saving, and the surroundings, contributing to the new technology, while in use. Battery chargers are an outstanding addition to your office, house or perhaps car.

There are some that can be expensive to purchase, but they provide personal saving in hundreds of dollars. This is a significant difference, and it seems well worth the initial expenditure. Who has not left the lights on your car only an extra shot with a dead battery? People with charger don't need to have the expense of asking for help. It has been seen that auto repair shops often charge much greater than a hundred dollars for the service.

They are a very useful tool. The way to obtain batteries at the office or home may become considered an odd job. Using rechargeable battery charger ensures the limitless supply, wherever and whenever you need them. It is required for the mobile phone, laptop, mp3 player and it seems inevitable for the most. The usefulness of a car battery charger is usually huge. Regardless of whether it is required for charging digital camera batters or charging the battery for your ship, it is a time-saver if you own one of it. The majority people use some form of battery charger daily, weekly or monthly.

The benefits of the chargers speak for alone. There are people who want to be involved in the technological progress. Many people want to help preserve the earth and its resources. Most people want to save time. Everyone wants to save money.
4.2V 1.7A lithium battery charger


How to discern a charger

How to discern a charger depends on how its work performance, safety requirements and electromagnetic compatibility is.

Different types of batteries have different charging requirements, the parameters of a charger are mainly charging method, charge current, charge voltage.

(1) Charging method: how to charge is based on the constant voltage or constant current. Given the current lithium-ion battery, charger charging current with limiting constant voltage mode shall be adopted, that is, charging at constant voltage automatically converted when the charging at limited current to the limited voltage.

(2) Charging current: specifies the maximum output current of the charger. The size of the charging current shall be applied to the size of the battery capacity, generally should not exceed 1C5A.

(3) charging voltage: specifies the maximum output voltage of charger.The charging voltage is depends on limit voltage of battery charged; when charging the lithium-ion battery with nominal voltage of 3.6V, the maximum output voltage of charger required is typically 4.2V (in fact, the phone is equipped with a lithium-ion battery with protection device, so the charger output voltage can also be slightly higher than 4.2V, but the voltage is not more than 4.5V in order to ensure safety).

2. Safety requirements Popular terms is to ask the circuit structure, mechanical structure and electrical properties of the product shall comply with certain safety requirements, regardless of the product in a normal or abnormal operating state (such as output overload or short circuit, the internal component failure or circuit failure, etc.) work state, must not endanger the safety of persons and property. To achieve this purpose, the charger product safety requirements (such as electric shock protection performance, insulation performance, temperature, etc.) shall comply with the requirements of China mainland's compulsory standards as specified in GB4943-2001.
29.4V1.5A lithium battery charger


Advantages of Battery Chargers

There are various battery chargers that give immense benefits to its owners. They provide the convenience, saving, and the surroundings, contributing to the new technology, while in use. Battery chargers are an outstanding addition to your office, house or perhaps car.

They are a very useful tool. The way to obtain batteries at the office or home may become considered an odd job. Using rechargeable battery charger ensures the limitless supply, wherever and whenever you need them. It is required for the mobile phone, laptop, mp3 player and it seems inevitable for the most. The usefulness of a car battery charger is usually huge. Regardless of whether it is required for charging digital camera batters or charging the battery for your ship, it is a time-saver if you own one of it. The majority people use some form of battery charger daily, weekly or monthly.

Over recent years, the nation began recognizing the importance of involving maintaining and preserving the planet's resources. Rechargeable battery power can therefore be helpful in this substantially. They require less energy for powering most of the things we use on the earth daily. In addition to this, if rechargeable batteries are used with the charger, you use and purchase less batteries. This means fewer emissions and less waste at landfills meets the energy required to manufacture the components themselves. Solar chargers are clearly beneficial for the environment. The use of solar power production is definitely increasing commonplace. This method saves almost twice that energy. The environment condition can be settled with something as common as with the use of a battery charger.
32V 1.8A nimh battery charger


Learn fixing mobile charging issues from mobile repairing course

Mobile battery-charging issues are quite common. Instead of resolving it by following simple tips, we often run towards the market to buy a new charger! However, if you want to know some handy solutions for the same then this article is your right destination. Here, we bring you some valuable tips right from mobile repairing course. So, let us begin with understanding the type of problems you face while charging the mobile.

Common problems while charging a mobile phone:

We come across a number of issues while charging, a mobile such as you put your mobile on charging but it does not get charged. At times, the speed of charging is too slow or the connection gets disconnected. This may be due to a number of reasons - a bad connector, faulty USB port, adapter issue and many more. Below are some of the easy solutions that are taught in mobile repairing course to the students.

Solution 1: Try To Fix The USB Port:

You can try out a simple and easy DIY repair. This solution is followed since at times the inside metallic surface of the USB port & the charger does not connect well. It is important for both of them to remain in good contact to complete the charging cycle. The bad connection may be due to the manufacturing defect or due to frequent plug-in and plug-out of the charger. You can repair this fault by simply taking a toothpick in order to level-up carefully inside the USB port present on the mobile. But, before following this procedure remember to take out the battery.

Solution 2: Clean the USB Port:

The reason of no connection of the mobile charger may be a presence of the dust lint inside the port. Minute particles inside can lodge the port hampering the charging process. Hence, make sure that the USB port is clean. You can use the torch light or a mobile flash to see inside metallic surface of both the charger and mobile USB port. The next important advice is to the never keep your mobile phone on charging near the watery surface, pool or any kind of spilled liquid. Do not leave your phone charge too long especially overnight. In mobile repairing courses, students are given proper training as how are the do's and don't of a mobile charging which can affect the life of a phone battery.

Solution 3: Check the Charging Cable

There is a less chance that the adapter or the mobile has the no charging fault. We don't realize but most of the time it is the cable fry which prevents the charger from charging the mobile. Students from mobile repairing institute normally start from the basic level solutions that are often skipped by technicians. Hence, make it a habit of checking the charging cables. The cable may be curled, distorted or may not be working properly due to which you are not able to charge the mobile battery. Try a new USB cable and see whether it works or not. After checking the cable, check the socket and at last the adapter. To understand where the problem lies simply use a different charger and try to charge the phone.

Solution 4: Switch-Off Unwanted Apps Running:

If you are watching a video and charging a phone then obviously, it will take more time to get charged. Hence, it is advisable to switch off the phone or close the heavy applications running on your mobile phone. Mobile repairing courses also laid stress on making a student understand how to run & maintain various software applications.
high quality micro USB charger


Charge Several USB Powered Electronics at Once

4-Port USB Travel Charger is like a power strip, except solely with USB ports. The 4 ports allow for multiple devices, such as smart phones and tablets to be charged at once without requiring several different outlets. This is helpful when traveling to hotels or hostels with few outlets, or if you only have one voltage converter and need to charge several USB powered electronics at once.

Using your USB Wall Charger various finishes that are printed with your device, simply link in through the available USB slots of the double USB battery pack charger and link them to any of your devices. This way, one would never have to fear about which slot is appropriate for Apple, Android operating system, Blackberry mobile phones, or any other device.

Just as long as you have the suitable USB cable end, you can essentially cost anything. Once linked, an LED light will indicate whether your device is asking for or properly linked. Now, if are concerned about short tour, over-voltage, or over-current, this double USB battery pack charger has a certain security against those that could cause serious electrical loss, since the present can be managed and supervised personally.

USB wall charger assures that you will only need to use one battery pack charger when you cost several devices at the same time. The many benefits one gets from using this battery pack charger gives customers great value for cash. The huge benefits they get allow them to spend their cash on other things or save for a stormy day. This multi-dimensional battery pack charger is the best deal found on the internet.
Mutil port usb charger


Mobile Phone Charger - An Awesome Tool

If you utilize your mobile phone frequently and utilizes its full innovations, most users will observe that they require to charge it day by day, while non-heavy users will find their mobile phone holding a charge for several days. It is really very favourable to have a number of mobile phone chargers as it will permit you to charge your phone when you need to. Out of the box, most mobile phones are provided with only one mains charger which is usually not enough.

There are numerous of mobile phone chargers acquirable, these include replacement mains chargers, in-car chargers, USB chargers and wind up chargers. This purchaser's guide will give you the low-down on the different kinds of chargers for a mobile phone and when you will be needing it. Replacement Mains Chargers A mains charger will permit you to charge your mobile phone from your mains socket. Mostly they are supplied with either 3 pins (UK / Ireland spec) or if you are in Europe in general it will most likely have 2 pins and will be able to accomodate voltages ranging from 110v to 240v AC. Mains chargers are normally issued by the maker upon purchase but in some cases like mobile phone add-on manufacturers like Pama develops an individually bought fast mobile phone chargers which is nicer than the original one.

This will let you to charge your mobile phone with a line that links into your USB interface. For the non-technically minded, the USB port is a slot on your computer where you usually link other peripheral devices like a webcam, mouse keyboard and other handheld gadgets. Emergency Mobile Chargers This is a wonderful thought if you desperately require to recharge your mobile phone in a hurry. We have a couple of products such as the Mo-Go emergency mobile phone and the Portable Emergency Charger. The great thing about these kinds of chargers is that it only needs average alkaline batteries to function and may be clipped away onto your key ring. If you need to charge in a hurry, just plug in the unit to your phone and you will be able to make and receive calls! Wind-UP Mobile Phone Charger Replacements For the environment conscious, EWUCs or Emergency Wind Up Chargers is the usual choice.
2 port usb car charger with metal material


Different types of phone chargers at a glance

If you use your mobile frequently and make use of its innovations completely, you need to charge it everyday or maybe even after some hours depending on usage. Non-heavy users of mobile phones on the other hand do not require charging for some days. If you do not want to your phone's battery to run out while making an important call, use a phone charger. This phone accessory is one of the most useful for the mobile users as it ensures mobiles to be in working conditions.

Usually mobiles come with mains charger, which is not adequate for some people. There are other chargers available in the market, including in car chargers, replacement mains charger, wind up and USB chargers. You can find out use of various chargers to keep your phone alive even with heavy use. Mains charger lets the users charge the mobile from main socket. They are usually supplied with three pins or two pins. Mains chargers are issued by the makers of phone on purchase of phone but you can also find replacement mains charger, which work better than originals.

In car charger is perfect for the people who want to charger the phone battery while you are in the automobile. This type of charger connects into cars and charges mobiles in similar way as mains phone charger. Now you do not need to keep your phone charged before you set out of home or offer, car chargers let you charge the battery without any hassles. This device allows charging of mobile phones with line linking into USB interface. This kind of charger is only useful; if you are traveling with your laptop. Emergency mobile chargers offer a wonderful way in case you need to charge your battery in hurry.
USB car charger


Proper Laptop Adapter Care

Here are some practical tips on using as well as taking care of your laptop power adapter:

1. If the power adapter is not working. Check first if the outlet is live before doing serious troubleshooting on the device.  In this way, it will save your time and effort as well as avoid unnecessary repair.

2. Use only the model-specific adapter for the laptop. Don’t use it in other gadgets even if the output voltage requirement is the same because the current might be different.

3. Always put first the DC output plug into the laptop’s power jock before putting the input plug on the power outlet. This is the correct method.

4. Keep your adapter in a dry place with room temperature. Just like other electronic devices, adapter can get damage cause by high temperature.

5. Don’t leave it connected into the computer for continuously long periods of time. If the battery is full, gently remove the cord in the laptop’s jock port.

6. Don’t shake or knock the adapter. Improper handling may break the internal parts and circuit boards.

7. Place the laptop adapter in an area where it will not fall. Keep it in a safe location where it can be hard to reach for children. Also, avoid dropping it to avoid damage.

8. Avoid the metal tip of the adapter from getting in contact with other metal objects because it can cause short-circuiting.  Your computer might get damage when a short-circuited charger is used.

9. Don’t place the notebook adapter in a cool place or near the air conditioner to avoid the device from getting moistened.

10. Never pull the cord to detach the plug from the power outlet because the wire might be slashed or loosened.
80W adapter loptop


The History of Solar Panel Battery Chargers

The history of solar power battery chargers has to begin with the advent of solar power. Attempts to capture the power of the sun have been made since the dawn of man. Realizing its power to give heat and light, intrigued man from the beginning of time. Leonardo da Vinci studied the sun and ways to harness it in the fifteenth century.

Although modern science has taken away the romance of sun gods, mystical beings and other myths and tales, it has not lost its curiosity. Harnessing the suns power to be used in batteries has been around since France decided it needed an alternate energy source long before the fuel shortage of the seventies.

Charles Fritz managed to turn the suns rays into electricity with the first solar cell in 1883. It wasn't until later in the 1880's that a solar cell was used to warm water in his house. The studies went on. The possibilities of using up all of the nonrenewable resources was well known in the nineteenth century. People around the world still chose to use coal and other nonrenewable energy sources as though they would never end, or have any consequences.

Today the assortment of solar powered battery chargers is amazing. When you inventory your electronic gadgets, you know that everyone needs to be charged in one way or another. You will find out that most of those electric chargers can be replaced by solar battery chargers.

29.4V/1.5A lead acid battery charger


Laptop Charger Adapter Tips

Take Care of the Cord
Proper use and care of the laptop charger prolongs its lifespan so that replacements and repairs are not necessary. an online magazine for computer-related concerns, one of the most common problems with laptop use is that the charger's cord becomes frayed. Since laptops are conveniently brought just about anywhere, the constant plugging and unplugging wears out the cord. Mishandling it, such as leaving it twisted or tugging and jiggling it from the base unit, can produce the same result. This is also true for folding or rolling the cord incorrectly.

Store the Charger Properly
 As with laptops, which are typically placed inside laptop bags or padded envelopes, cords should be stored properly when not in use. The charger must never be exposed to extreme temperatures, such as those on a car's dashboard in the middle of summer or dead of winter. It must not become wet or be exposed to corrosive chemicals, as these elements can severely damage the charger. The manual for a Belkin Laptop Power Adapter, for example, specifically states that users must avoid these. It also instructs users to avoid placing the charger near heat-sensitive materials.

 When not in use, laptop chargers should be kept in the same bag as the laptop. If there isn't enough space, putting the charger in a convenient cloth pouch or a small box is also an option.

Keep a Backup Charger
 When traveling with your laptop frequently, it's a good idea to get a second charger adapter to avoid wear and tear. Having a back-up charger may also save you the headache of buying one in an unfamiliar place should your first charger adapter become damaged. a daily online travel magazine, recommends packing an extra power source, such as a portable charger adapter, when going on trips with your laptop.
40W computer adapter


How to properly use the charger

Car Charger. Such charger can easily charge the phone in the car. One end of the car charger is plug into the cigarette lighter, and the other end is connected to the phone, the phone should not be charged in the car for a long time because of the car closed with a high temperature, otherwise it will cause damage to the phone.

How to properly use the cell phone charger is the key to safe use of the mobile phones,if we do not pay attention to, we would not only get an electric shock, but may occur an explosion.

1. Do not expose the phone charger at a high temperature, during the summer with hot and humid climate and electricity peak, the phone charger is poor at heat dissipation,plus the unstable current, increasing the likelihood of conduct problems, especially for the phone with the metal body. Those with sweating palms and others with damp hair after taking a bath will likely be subjected to electric shocks. Moreover, do not cover the cell phone with blanket or pillow to avoid the battery temperature is relatively high, and thus the occurrence of breakdown, combustion, explosions and other tragedies while charging the phone.

2.Do not use the phone while charging. We are increasingly dependent on the smartphone, and like using a cell phone while charging, the phone is charging, it is not wise to pick up the smartphone when charging. The charger transformer parts is likely to be breakdown if the charger with poor quality. Furthermore, the phone with low battery will produce more radiation harmful to human health.

3. Mobile phone charger, battery has a certain service lifespan, replace the phone charging immediately when damaged.
5v 1A usb car chargers


Wide range of mobile phone chargers for the latest cell phones

If you use your cell phone for long hours, then you need to recharge it frequently. If you have different Cell Phone Chargers then it will be very convenient since you will be able to charge your phones anywhere. Regular phones are simply provided with one mains charger and generally this is not adequate. There are different kinds of chargers for cell phones like a wind up charger, USB charger, in-car charger and a substitute mains charger.

Given below are different cell phone chargers such as:

Mains Replacement Charger: This would enable you to recharge your mobile handset from the mains power outlet. This charger generally comprises of 3 pins. However, there are two pins chargers as well that can handle voltages ranging from 110v to 240v AC.

In-Car Chargers: If you wish to recharge your mobile while driving, you need a car charger, also called in-car charger. The charger will plug into your in car cigarette lighter and charge your phone in a similar fashion as a mains Cell Phone Charger.

USB Mobile Charger Replacement: If you are a frequent traveler who uses laptop on a daily basis, it might make sense to use a USB charger. This will enable you to charge your cell phone with a wire that connects into your USB port.

Emergency Chargers: The best part about these accessories is that, it only needs standard alkaline batteries to work and can be clipped away onto your key ring. You need to plug the charger into your mobile phone so that you are able to make or receive phone calls.

These are some of the useful mobile phone chargers for the cell phones.
5v 2.1A micro usb car charger with 2 ports


Car gadgets to help you drive autumn outing more security

Autumn is coming,it is a good time for driving outdoor outing. Families and friends get together on the weekend for parades, picnics, barbecues and go out to appreciate the beautiful scenery of nature.Well, It's convenient to travel by their own car.here i will introduce a few useful car security tool, at the time of driving, can better protect you and your family friends and personnel safety. Can let our travel more smoothly.

1. 2.5 Inch Color LCD 270 Degree 6 IR LED HD Car DVR Camera Recorder Audio Video Recorder

It is 100% Brand new and high quality,The high quality video & audio can be timely and strong evidence to address accident and distinguish responsibility.It's also a functional assistant of your private security. The DVR can capture clear videos for owners who want to monitor their cars. For professional engaged in the work of police officers, journalists, detectives, lawyers, taxi, etc.

100% Brand New Car DVR with night vision
1/4 color CMOS WXGA HD Image Sensor
2.5" TFT Colorful Monitor
HD 720P High Solution Colorful Camera
6 LED's 120 degrees viewing angle.
Screen rotation angle: 270 degrees
Supports a SD card up to 32GB
Video Format: AVI

1 x Car Recorder
1 x Car Charger
1x USB Cable
1 x User Manual
1 x Bracket
1 x Li-ion Battery
5v 1A usb car chargers


How to Rebuild Cordless Power Tool Batteries ?

The batteries on cordless power tools are usually the first part to fail. If you've ever priced a replacement battery pack, you'll know that it is probably not a cost-effective purchase. Most people would rather buy a new tool than spend over half the price of a new tool on a replacement battery pack. The best option might be to rebuild the batteries, but only if you have some experience using a soldering iron.

1. Remove the battery pack from your cordless tool. Unscrew the screws holding the battery case together. Open the battery case. Remove the battery cells--they will all be wired together as a unit.

2. Draw a rough diagram of the battery cells on paper, noting the negative (-) and positive (+) terminals of each battery cell, and how each terminal is connected with wires.

3. Remove the connecting wires by holding them with pliers while melting the solder that holds the wire to the battery terminals, using a soldering iron.

4. Align the new battery cells correctly, according to your diagram. Solder all the connecting wires to the new battery cell terminals, according to your diagram. Work quickly so as not to overheat the batteries.

5. Slide the battery cells into one half of the battery case. Replace the other half of the cover. Fasten the screws that hold the case together, using a screwdriver. Charge the battery pack overnight before using it with your cordless power tool.
12v 6A DC Switching CCTV power supply


How To Restore Your 18v power tool battery Yourself?

Have you been using a power tool and realize that the battery is dying? If so, and will make a new battery, you should be aware that cause tooth in his pocket. A good idea would be to restore the battery. Yes, exactly. You can do this with ease. All you need is the battery charger and an outlet, two things you probably already have on hand all the time anyway.

Insert the tool to use until the battery runs down completely. For example, if you are the rehabilitation of a cordless drill, let it sit until the blade stops spinning. Make sure the wok drill with no load at the end. Then, use the battery charger, tool power completely. Once downloaded, run the tool to check if it is running in its full working capacity. Otherwise, you must repeat the process once or twice. If you notice a difference in ways of working, so its best to repeat the process after a month because too much water and the download may be too good battery life.

When you make a major cost of a new battery, renew your energy supplier is a better idea. There are other ways to do this as well, which are more complicated, but this process is good enough to do at home. So, buy modern equipment and always easy.
 24V 1.5A/1.6A, 24V 2.0A Scooter Battery charger


The Working Process of Laptop AC Adapter

Among electronic gadgets, there are AC adapters as well as DC adapters. Obviously, AC adapter is an electronic gadget which transfers the current. In general, AC adapter is dominated in the field of laptop. Along with laptop, most portable devices use direct current. Direct Current has a constant flow of electric charge in one direction and flows from low to high potential. It's dangerous to connect a laptop to AC which can cause an internal component to fail. To be more worse, your computer will get burned at such situation..

Sometimes, it's called laptop battery charger. It plays a crucial rule providing your laptop battery is lack of power. Like Presario CQ60 AC Adapter and Inspiron 600m AC Adapter, they are commonly seen products. Besides these, there are other types of AC adapters like car adapter, universal AC adapter and so on.

As to the universal AC adapter, it provides more convenience to our life as modern people always on the way. Take Presario F700 AC Adapter and Inspiron 1420 AC Adapter for example, they are not heavy alone. Adding camera charger, USB charger and other gadgets, it's a considerable number. As a consequence, universal AC adapter came out to reduce the burden while traveling on the way.
24V 3A AC Adapter/ power supply


What is Switch Mode Power Supply?

The SMPS or power supply of a computer comes in different form factor styles. The form factor refers to the physical dimensions of a component. The form factor of the power supply must match with the form factor of the computer case into which the SMPS is inserted. There are various industry standard form factors available. Some of the commonly used form factors with their characteristics are given below:

1.    LPX
2.    ATX
3.    SFX

The LPX form factor style power supply has exactly the same motherboard and disk drive connectors as the previous standard power supply form factors. LPX form factor power supply differs in its reduced size that allows building much smaller and consumer oriented PCs. Due to their small size, they can be put into almost every type of computer cases.

The ATX form factor is developed by Intel in 1995. ATX is similar to LPX in physical dimensions. The difference between the two is that the power pass through-outlet for the monitor has been removed from ATX. Another difference is that in ATX, the cooling fan is mounted along the inner side of the power supply. With this kind of arrangement, the fan draws air in from the
back of the chassis and blows it inside across the motherboard.

The SFX form factor style power supply is 100 mm wide, 125 mm deep, and 63.5 mm in height. It includes a 60 mm power supply fan for cooling. The main SFX motherboard connector is in the same shape and size as the ATX connector. The one difference here is that the SFX power supply specification does not support the -5V compatibility voltage and, therefore, should not be used with motherboards that have ISA slots.
120W High voltage 12V 10AMP CCTV Power Supply


How to Test a Laptop Charger

Laptop computers are one of the many items that we use that depends on a rechargeable laptop battery to keep it up and running. When your laptop fails to stay charged or to charge at all, it is time to troubleshoot the issue on your own before paying a professional. First test the charger to make sure that it is working properly.

You can test your laptop battery charger follow the below steps

Be sure that the charger is plugged into a working outlet and getting power.

Try charging your laptop with the laptop powered off. Sometimes the charger will charge the laptop when it is powered completely off, but not when it is on. If it only charges the Toshiba laptop battery when the laptop is off, then you have a faulty charger.

Check the battery for corrosion and/or leakage. If there is a sign of either corrosion or leakage you will need to stop attempting to use the battery pack and replace it immediately.

Try to run the laptop from the laptop charger only; if it will not run off the charger alone then the charger is faulty or no longer any good to power the battery. In some cases your laptop will run off the charger, but the charger will not be strong enough to charge the laptop. In this case you have a faulty charger.

Test your charger with a voltmeter. If it is an AC charger of battery, set a voltmeter to 25 VAC. Make the contacts and probes touch, and look for a reading. If there is not a reading on the meter, the charger is not any good. For DC chargers, set a voltmeter to 25 VDC and make the contacts and probes touch. The meter should read at least 1V more than the chargers rating. If it does not, the probes need to be switched.
4.2V 0.8A li-ion battery charger


Advantages of Battery Chargers

There are various battery chargers that give immense benefits to its owners. They provide the convenience, saving, and the surroundings, contributing to the new technology, while in use. Battery chargers are an outstanding addition to your office, house or perhaps car.

They are a very useful tool. The way to obtain batteries at the office or home may become considered an odd job. Using rechargeable battery charger ensures the limitless supply, wherever and whenever you need them. It is required for the mobile phone, laptop, mp3 player and it seems inevitable for the most. The usefulness of a car battery charger is usually huge. Regardless of whether it is required for charging digital camera batters or charging the battery for your ship, it is a time-saver if you own one of it. The majority people use some form of battery charger daily, weekly or monthly.

The benefits of the chargers speak for alone. There are people who want to be involved in the technological progress. Many people want to help preserve the earth and its resources. Most people want to save time. Everyone wants to save money.
4.2V 0.8A li-ion battery charger


Battery Monitoring Systems to Ensure the Battery Performance

Battery monitoring system is used to monitor the battery system and prevent people from being left high and dry. It ensures a person that it will not left the car with a dead battery. There are online sites, which offer battery working for pulse technology and ensure peak battery performance. The battery monitoring system measures and evaluates the system. It continuously and directly indicate the most important battery condition and gives data on it. Battery systems monitor voltage, acid temperature and acid level of the batteries. They also calculate relevant data of the complete battery bank such as discharge capacity, status of battery cell and discharge capacity.

Monitoring system help us to avoid adverse condition and ensure to check and take preventive measures that can take before the battery gets over. Consulting firms emphasize on consistent monitoring of your battery ensuring that the battery is working. The Battery Monitoring System consists of control unit for monitoring and calculation, and a number of compact RF battery cell sensors with RF transceivers to transfer data from each battery cell to main control unit.

There are some online websites which products like:

1. Battery and electrical system diagnostics: It includes battery tester and analyzer of different models like HYB series, EXP series, GR Series, PBT Series, MDX Series, and IDR-10 in Gen.

2. Pulse tech maintenance product: This technology carries 12 V and 24 V battery chargers, Solar battery chargers, Battery maintainers, and Quad Link 4 channel Battery charger.

3. Battery charger and maintenance products: It has diagnostic charger and Power supply charger. The diagnostic chargers combine conductance technology with advanced diagnostic capabilities to give flexible, advanced and complete solution. On the other hand, the Power supply charger provides a clean power supply and maintains a good charge for batteries during service or re flash operations.
24V battery charger for mobility wheelchair


How to Charge a Laptop Battery Without a Charger

Make use of a universal power adapter. It is perhaps the most obvious solution to your own battery woes. Readily available at most retail shops that carry gadgets, a universal electric power adapter can range any place in price from $30 to $100 (or more, depending on the best way fancy you get). The adapter incorporates multiple tips, certainly one of which will likely fit your laptop's receiving port. When rocked in, the adapter will not only power your laptop, but will cost its battery as well.

 Use your universal auto/air adapter. If you are the road-warrior variety who spends longer in your car than in the desk, this could possibly be the sensible solution for you personally. An auto adapter is just like a regular power adapter, except these have a modified conclude that plugs into your car's butt lighter. The adapter help keep you powered during your car (or inflight if it's just a combination adapter), all of which simultaneously charge your own laptop so you're ready for those occasions when you choose to do have to leave your vehicle or plane to the real world.

 Buy an outer laptop battery charger. These are generally standalone devices that do not plug into your own laptop. Rather, you take the battery through your laptop, attach it into the charger, plug the charger into an electrical outlet, and rejuice your battery this way. When fully charged, you reinsert the battery back up your laptop. External chargers are often brand and design specific, so make sure you get one this matches your laptop's specs. One advantage to help an external electric battery charger is that you could charge spare power packs without tying in place your laptop.
6.4v 0.6A nicd battery charger


Battery Trickle Charger Basics

A good quality charger will prevent your battery from overcharging and this is the number one cause of battery failure.

Having a good quality charger is important. The poorly designed and manufactured chargers will produce a strong, rapid charge that often will deteriorate the electrodes and cause the liquids to boil out. And with a single stage charger over time you can literally cook your batteries.

Here are some of the types and applications for a battery trickle charger:

Solar Powered

Whether you are looking for a quiet, clean environmentally friendly solution to your battery charging needs, or want to save money, or perhaps looking for a way to charge batteries where other solutions simply aren't practical - A solar powered battery trickle charger might be the ideal solution. Whether for all terrain vehicles (ATV), boats, tractors, electric fences, telemetry, recreational vehicles (RV), and more, solar power is a practical and efficient way to get the job done.

Autos and RV's

When you are storing your automobile or recreational vehicle you want to know that when you go to start it that the battery won't be dead and putting a major hitch in your plans not to mention your pocketbook.

By preventing the normal self-discharge the car battery trickle charger the life of rechargeable 12 volt batteries is extended by providing a minimum current, regulated output.


There is a lot of abuse that motorcycle batteries have to suffer and a motorcycle battery charger will help increase the lifespan of the battery by keeping it in a better chemical state by being fully charged. Accessories such as fog lights and heated grips, used by all-weather riders; and the stereo systems that many use will drain the small motorcycle battery in no time. To ensure the bike is ready to go when you next start it up, have a motorcycle battery trickle charger to attach to it when the bike is parked and the battery level will stay correct, so the bike will be there for you.
16V 0.7A nicd battery charger


Pros and cons of Universal battery chargers

In Today's era, everyone in this world is totally dependent on the electronic gadgets and raising their demand in order to have these gadgets with the frequent increase in the technology. With the dependency of their life on the electronic items the demand of the battery chargers has also increased and because of this reason many people now prefer the Universal battery charger. With the increase in the demand of the devices that are directly connected to the web the need of getting them charged for their more use has also been increased.

An excellent universal battery charger can be easily attached to the numerous devices. They can be powered either by directly connecting the devices from their extension port or by placing the device on the battery physically so that it get the appropriate power. A quality charger also helps to charge the device completely.

The main advantages of the solar chargers is that, it is environmental friendly because generally all the electricity is generated with nuclear power plants or by coal power plants which produces many wasteful byproducts and harms the environment. We can't neglect the harmful gases produces from the coal power plant i.e. greenhouse gases and on the other hand the harmful radiations produced from the nuclear power plant. In order to overcome it to some extent we can have a use of solar items.
 9.6V 1.2A nicd battery charger


Notebook power adapter when using the heat causes and solutions

It is normal for it to work, to convert the output, it will consume energy, there will be a part of into heat also depends on whether you installed on the battery or the battery is normal. Laptop power adapter is actually a high-precision, high-efficiency switching power supply, its role is to 220v AC power is converted to low voltage DC to provide stable power for the normal work of the notebook computer, it can even be called a notebook the computer "source of power."

Notebook power adapter is about questions and answers. Such as:

Q: Why exactly the same machine, Managing someone else's notebook power adapter , I always very hot?

Do not doubt your notebook power adapter , take a look at your books are doing, is not like the above said two usb hard drives, cpu is running at full speed crazy, hard to read and write, CD-ROM drive at full speed to read the disk, at the same time charging the battery , stood loud music, screen brightness, wireless LAN has been in the detection signal, the use of power management, according to the task of rationally adjust the books of the state is very important. Many people do not like to use power management, I have even seen many of my friends do not want to install power management software to any kind of management mode is enabled, it is also fitted him to do? Will not be just want to look at the battery remaining percent How much it?

Q: I filled the battery-line power when the notebook power adapter is not too hot, but do not install the battery for a burnt to death on normal? Why?

I filled the battery-line power supply when the power adapter is not too hot, but do not install the battery for a burnt to death on normal? Why

Batteries, notebook power adapter to charge the battery by battery driven books, the battery is medium. To remove after the battery. Becomes the adapter directly to start the notebook. Charge and DIP are different concepts. When charging, you should look at the battery's hot? Are normal. Rest assured it.

I recently bought a laptop computer, notebook power adapter and pressed but I only spent about 30 minutes like hot ah ask the computer problems are so I use it every time

In theory, it is normal

Itself the power adapter is not a good heat dissipation, and his interior is a large inductor constitute a necessary way of the current transfer box is closed, plus it is summer, if you heat does not exceed your hands the ability to accept that are normal, I believe that I am not wrong, your computer and power adapter all I own in the laptop repair years ~ ~

Inside the notebook power adapter is a switching power supply, high voltage, high current state, the workload is heavier, and is fully enclosed structure, there is no cooling holes in the shell, the internal fan to the auxiliary heat, thus the laptop power supply adapter at work, the internal temperature is very high. Especially during the hot summer, touching the surface you can feel hot, the internal temperature is higher. Which the daily office, entertainment to its proper maintenance and maintenance.
65w laptop power adapter