
Find out how to prolong battery life by using correct charge methods.

Charging and discharging batteries is a chemical reaction, but Li-ion is claimed to be the exception. Battery scientists talk about energies flowing in and out of the battery as part of ion movement between anode and cathode. This claim carries merits but if the scientists were totally right, then the battery would live forever. Scientists blame capacity fade on ions getting trapped, but as with all battery systems, internal corrosion and other degenerative effects still play a role.

The Li ion charger is a voltage-limiting device that has similarities with to the lead acid system. The difference with Li-ion lies in a higher voltage per cell, tighter voltage tolerances and the absence of trickle or float charge at full charge. While lead acid offers some flexibility in terms of voltage cut off, manufacturers of Li ion cells are very strict on the correct setting because Li-ion cannot accept overcharge. The so-called miracle charger that promises to prolong battery life and gain extra capacity with pulses and other effects does not exist. Li-ion is a “clean” system and only takes what it can absorb.
29.4V 14A lithium battery charger

